Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Randomness on a Wednesday

Give me all the Coffee

It takes me longer to leave the house than the actual errand I need to do takes

I need an app on my phone to locate the nearest bathroom and than route me to it - Toddler life

Scarlett has a bladder the size of a pea

She also has to see EVERY single store/restaurants bathroom

I lose my keys in my diaper bag every single time I leave my house

I think I need more coffee

I thought I just cleaned up all of the toys why does it look like a tornado just hit our house

If I step on one more little people princess toy, puzzle piece or stuffed animal, I am going to throw
them all away

O good both girls are down for a nap I can pick up ALL the toys again

Nope I think I am going to drink coffee and watch Friends

Is it 5:00 yet?

Is it the girls bedtime yet?

How can such tiny little humans be so busy all the time - go to sleep

Is it bedtime yet?

Man, I miss the girls when they sleeping

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Olive Pearl 9 month Update

Age:  9 Months

Stats: She weighs 19lbs and is 28 inches tall

Clothes: 12 months - She just outgrew all of her 9 month stuff so I have been looking for winter stuff in 12 - 18 months.  I of course want everything from Baby Gap and Old Navy

Favorite Foods: I don't think she has a favorite - she eats whatever we are eating so she gets a wide range of foods

Things she says: Mama, Dada and Ba

Activities: She is a crawling pro ( the fastest crawler I think I have ever seen), she loves to stand and walk around furniture/walls, she takes 4-5 steps at a time now

Favorite Things:  Little People Cinderella Castle and Little  People Princess Garden

My Favorite thing she does: She gives the best hugs, and when I go and get her in the morning she snuggles in real close (melts my heart)

Daddy's Favorite thing she does:  When Her and Scarlett are chasing each

other down the hall 
These two give me all the feels


Sunday, November 29, 2015

On a Christmas Tree Hunt

I have been MIA over here on the blog - but if you are on Instagram or Facebook you see updates almost everyday, to be honest it is easier (bonus that you can sign up for a book to be printed and sent to your house after so many posts on Instagram).

However, what better time to start back up the blog than the Holiday Season!!!!
Today we went on a hunt for the perfect Christmas tree - Olives first tree had to be perfect!!! Looking for our Christmas tree has become one of my favorite things to do right after Thanksgiving, and its extra special with both my sidekicks helping me out.  I'm pretty sure Felix HATES looking for our Christmas tree LOL - but he does like cutting it down when I finally find one.    And of course a post wouldn't be a post from me without pictures. :)

Scarlett wanted this one

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Olive | Two Months

This is a few days late (10 days to be exact), lets just say that I was waiting for her 2 month dr appt so I could put her weight down :)

Age:  2 months

Stats: weight 12lbs 12oz (74%) height 23.6 Inches (84%)

Clothes: 3-6 months and 6 months - depending on the brand but she mostly has Gap and Carters stuff.

Olive is becoming a very happy, laid back baby, which I am  extremely thankful for. She loves being held (thank you baby carriers), She smiles with everything she's got, and most importantly loves her big sister. Anytime Olive is crying, Scarlett usually says "otay Wolive i'm coming", and shoves a pacifier in her mouth or puts a blanket over her legs. It's pretty funny and sweet.

Her schedule is pretty consistent each day, we do a eat play sleep pattern and I like for her to start this cycle at 7/7:30 am, her bed time is 7/7:30.  There have been SEVERAL times in the last two weeks where she has slept until 5am I feed her and she goes right back to sleep (hello Sleep I have missed you), but other nights she is awake at 1:30 and I go in there to try and feed her, she never eats, so I give her a kiss tell her it's still nighttime and put her back in her bed - she goes right back to sleep. 

Her little smile is my favorite, and I swear she is days away from laughing! 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter Sunday

I had so much fun filling the girls Easter buckets this year,  I love picking special things for our girls to have.  I spend a lot of time thinking and planning for holidays.  Scarlett's bucket included a blabla doll, they are my absolute favorite little dolls,  she got new pajamas, Cinderella book to add to her ever growing book collection,  bubbles (which was her favorite) and plastic eggs filled with trix cereal.  Olive's bucket included a wubanub pacifier, headbands, Snow White book, and Pajamas.

We made it to Church Sunday morning about 15 minutes early - a miracle in itself!!!!!!  Scarlett went to her class and Olive got to "hang"out with Mamma and daddy in the big service - which she slept through.  After Service we had brunch,  Monte Cristo Sandwiches, Pasta Salad, Strawberries and Turkish Coffee.

After Brunch we took naps :) Than I snapped a few pictures of the girls before we headed outside for some sun and bubble fun.  Scarlett learned how to blow bubbles last summer and has been obsessed with them since than - she even pretends to blow bubbles inside the house (she uses a play key and a bowl).  So she was on cloud 9 when her and her daddy went out to play with her bubbles- which of course made my heart happy.  Than there is my newest love who loves to smile and has started "talking"  which also makes my heart happy.

And I love how my love, loves his girls - he was made for Fatherhood.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Olive | One Month

Well, we have a one month old in our house now - that is 4 weeks of cuddles, middle of the night feedings, loads and loads of laundry and probably a thousand cups of coffee.  It's funny how it has only been 4 weeks but I don't remember a time when Olive wasn't a part of our family but at the same time it seems like just yesterday I was spending hours bouncing on a yoga ball and speed walking through our neighborhood to help induce labor.

We are getting into the swing of things, and I have had a couple outings with just the girls including Target and Costco (I will be accepting my gold medal any day now.)  

I started babywise with Olive last week, and she already has the schedule down.  I love the concept of the eat, play, sleep cycles.  she takes 4 naps during the day and has her bedtime feeding at 7:00, we put her to bed (or cuddle her until she falls asleep).  I feed her again between 9:30 and 10:00 before I go to bed and for the last few nights she wakes up just once between 2-4 to eat again (and goes right back to sleep) and than wakes up to start her day at 6:30 or 7:00.  We did babywise with Scarlett and I SWEAR that is why she is and always has been such a great sleeper.

Olive just started smiling and it is one of the sweetest things ever, I'm excited to experience "firsts" with her. She loves to eat and is a nursing pro already.

Scarlett loves her and is either trying to nurse her or is smothering her in kisses (or pinching her nose)

and here are a couple more pictures

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm

For my birthday I told Felix I wanted to go this Tulip Festival, 40 acres of tulips!!   It was really beautiful (my mom would have flipped out!) Scarlett fell in mud half way thru our visit, but she didn't seem to mind and Felix and I thought it was pretty funny! Our first "outing" as a family of 4 someone was bound to be a mess before we left.